Monthly Archives: August 2015

“$1.5 Million Dollars”–Starting price for a square !! Really ??? Wait..What’s in it ??

Lately I’ve been watching White Collar, the famous American TV series whilst my leisure. Believe me when I say I was obsessed by the show. It was during this mean time that I happened to incline my interest of exploration towards ART. 

Just out of curiosity, I happened to google the art world. It was evident from the serial that art had some serious considerations in history as well as the present. Artists like Pollock,Raphael,Matisse,Picasso etc. were mentioned in the series.

I came across a slideshow while googling where in a few arts were shown that were actually considered as art despite of containing nothing that appears as art to a normal human eye. That was where I first saw this “BLACK SQUARE” painting. When I first saw the painting captioned $1.5 millions being the starting price for the auction I was like WTF !! That is when I started digging about this particular painting. Here’s what I’ve got to share about it.

Kazimir Severinovich Malevich :

Kazimir Malevich was a Polish-Russian painter and art theoretician during the period 1878-1935. The black square is his creation..obviously or else why’d I bother about some Russian painter ! He was a pioneer of Geometric Abstract Art and the originator of “Suprematism Movement”.

Wait ! First things first, what are these “geometric abstract art” and “suprematism” about ? That was the question brainstormed in my mind when I looked at those words. Let’s break the ice.

Abstract Art is something that uses a visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world i.e that which uses visual elements for communication. Abstraction indicates a departure from reality in depiction of imagery in art. This departure from accurate representation can be slight, partial, or complete. Geometric abstraction in fact is a form of abstract art based on the use of geometric forms sometimes, though not always, placed in a non-illusionistic space and combined into non-objective (non-representational) compositions.

Suprematism was an art movement founded in Russia during the First World War, following the developments of Cubist and Futurist painting, in which the natural world was translated into a stark pictorial language of shapes, lines, and angles, The first hints of it emerged in background and costume sketches that Kazimir Malevich designed in 1913 for Victory Over the Sun, a Futurist opera performed in St. Petersburg.Of particular importance is the Black Square, which became the centerpiece of his new movement. He felt it was the supreme suprematist composition. Malevich’s early paintings, like Samovar, were cubist in style. Then he started searching for a means of expression compatible to modern values, to create an art for the new industrial Communist state.Built on cubism and Futurism, it led to a movement called Suprematism.

In 1915, the Russian artists Kseniya Boguslavskaya, Ivan Klyun, Mikhail Menkov, Ivan Puni and Olga Rozanova joined with Kazimir Malevich to form the Suprematist group. Together, they unveiled their new work to the public at 0.10, The Last Futurist Exhibition of Paintings (1915). Their work feature an array of geometric shapes suspended above a white or light-colored background. ” The variety of shapes, sizes and angles creates a sense of depth in these compositions, making the squares, circles and rectangles appear to be moving in space “.

Russia was one of the primary breeding grounds of pure abstraction, with Wassily Kandinsky doing much to popularize geometric art before gravitating to the gestural camp in later years. But it was Kazimir Malevich who today is often viewed as the forefather of geometric abstraction, beginning with his seminal 1915 paintings of black shapes—a circle, a square—on a white ground, and his legendary white-square-on-white-canvas 1919 monochrome.The problem is, once you’ve painted the perfect painting, what do you do for an encore ? Malevich quit painting and turned to architecture.

Hope I shared something that’s worth knowing.

Will keep posting on different things that come to my mind after thorough searching . Until then take care. 🙂